Headlight – Corporate Mobility Management Solutions > Headlight for Finance Teams
Budget overviews and planning start here. See why leading companies use Headlight to obtain cost savings and to plan and track mobility spent.
Verify the impact of alternative available levers to improve car offering within car levels, to keep budget levels increases limited
Analyse the pricing for different suppliers for equivalent cars, prior to negotiations
Identify car models that are within reach of existing budget levels to focus procurement efforts on
Create and manage cost centres. These can be used during the ordering process, and later on make sure the right invoice amount is linked to the correct ledger
Create rules to allocate invoice lines automatically to cost centres, such as based on employee, legal entity, or the item category
Automatic invoice analysis, such as vehicle count per legal entity, date range checks, and more
Keep suppliers on their toes via multi-bidding each order
Track (historic) supplier performance on bids won/lost for next supplier meetings
Automatic quote and matrix processing, no matter which supplier
Monitor drift on actual versus contracted kilometers and the recalculation of lease contracts
Review cost split details per employee type, budget, level and more
Historic budget evolutions and projections for budget planning
Let your teams automatically get notified with certain relevant reports, in the format and at the frequency they need
Consolidate reports across different leasing companies, e.g. IFRS16 reporting
Automatically remind suppliers to provide new yearly conditions, e.g. dealer discounts