Headlight – Corporate Mobility Management Solutions > Invoice management
Add a cost center per employee via the HR data, or manage cost centers in the invoice module
Create and manage ledger accounts for analytical accounting purposes
Add custom secondary or tertiary cost center axes
Configure to automatically inherit cost center information from the linked employee
Allocate a cost center based on a classification rule: e.g. based on the cost type, the legal entity, or a combinations of rules
Define rules for allocating ledger accounts, cost center secondary/tertiary axis, or for assets without driver
Regardless the structured format of your supplier invoice, Headlight transform invoices into a uniform invoice structure
Link costs items to the underlying Headlight assets, and know for each vehicle how many was billed for rent, insurance or interest
According to the configured rules, an extended invoice is created with cost center information, ledger accounts or other information
Headlight can automatically post-process your (extended) invoice file in a desired format, and send it automatically to the accounting department, ready for processing!
Headlight performs checks on legal entity, invoiced amounts, and invoice periods
Approve or reject invoices, and use the approval or reject as trigger for follow-up actions in Headlight workflows
Automatically enrich invoices with (secondary/tertiary) cost centers and/or ledger accounts
Regardless of supplier format, we'll transform invoices into a uniform invoice structure
Know the true cost of your vehicles, as cost items are automatically linked to your vehicles